Last night I suddenly got the urge to do a picture but the problem was the next appointment I had for any model was two weeks away. So I decided to set up the lights and do another self portrait to figure out the lighting for my next shoot. The next photo in my series is "The Saint" (working title). The idea is actually inspired by some of Jan Saudek's images.
I was really please with how the lighting turned out for this, especially when I got it right the first try. I think figuring out the lighting setup ahead of time will help a lot when I do the actual shoot two weeks from now. Now I just have to decide whether to keep it in black and white or make it color.
Keep it black and white. It gives it a more eatheral(sp?) feel.
I like th black and white, but if it is going to be part of your series, it should be color.
i like black and white...very cool picture
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