Saturday, December 13, 2008

Deep in Thought

I've been trying to get work done more often lately to expand my portfolio. I hope to dedicate myself enough to get at least one work done a month. This may seem slow but I work full time and have other projects going on as well. Not only that but the process I use is very time consuming and I normally only use one picture from any one portrait session.

Currently I think it would be a good idea to bring out more emotion in my work and that is what this became about. The feeling in this piece is subtle enough to convey the emotion without being overpowering. I would like to do some more work with emotion in the future though as I really think I need to capture some stronger emotions.

The colors in this piece did turn out really well though. I enjoyed having to color the tie separate from the shirt as I feel they really compliment each other very well. Also they are brought out nicely again the opposing background. In the future it would be nice to try a portrait with and elaborate costume that would take even more effort to color. I would love the challenge of a complicated and intricate piece to color in this style. Also it would allow a lot more variety in the color of a single piece. Another piece I would like to work towards is a full nude. This would allow an intricate working with the coloring and tones of flesh. If anyone happens to know anyone that might be interested in doing a picture in this style with full nudity please let me know by emailing me at

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